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On musical mentorship: I have to think back to the Summer of '97. It started one weekend night by grabbing a blank NCAA Selection sheet and a yellow legal pad. I cheated a little, yes, by looking on the shelf for the Rolling Stone issue with the 500 Greatest Songs. Seeding was a difficult process, but once a few of the all time greats were in place, the rest flowed like the Danube River. The names of my 64 Greatest Rock Songs were all written on the bracket sheet and copies were made for all the friends I trusted most. Some were mailed out. The results would determine the first ROCK SONG my yet to be born daughter would ever hear. The deadline for submitting completed brackets was August 1, 1997 as she was expected August 12th. Turnout was great. Victoria surprised us a bit and was born August 10. All was well. Everyone was healthy. The next thing I knew, it was time to be full time parents and the fine maternity crew at Lenox Hill sent us packing. It felt weird to hail a NYC cab to bring our newborn home, across town to the West Side. I gave the cab driver a $20 before we took the $7.50 ride and said only two words. "No Radio!" He drove as though he were in a parade, ever so slowly through Central Park. Our apartment was already "Baby Ready," and the stereo system was set, CD in place. We unpacked. Everything was so quiet and perfect. I asked my wife if she was okay and was she ready? She was. She looked at me with that look I've seen often - the "You're crazy look." I pushed play and my daughter Victoria listened to IMAGINE by John Lennon. The proper education of a child began. By the way, Layla came in second, the national final runner-up in my bracket game, so Eric Clapton was up next and the volume went north ever so slightly. My daughter listened, eyes wide open for an incredible life ahead. A life with rock music. TL

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